Question : Import Excel Into Sql Server
I am wanting to write a process to import an excel spreadsheet into Sql Server. The problem is, the excel spreadsheet will contain different number of column in different orders. What I was envisioning was:
1. Upload an Excel spreadsheet
2. Display the data in a listview or gridview
3. Having dropdowns in the column headers that contain the fields in my database table.
4. User then maps the columns in the gridview to the appropriate column from the dropdown.
5. Generate a Sql Insert Statement to insert the data from the grid or listview.
Is this even possible, or should I go down another path? Keep in mind the Excel spreadsheet will be in different formats every time.
The purpose of this question is to see if it is possible, or take any suggestions on better ways to accomplish this. If it is I will probably start a series of questions on places where I get hungup.
Answer : Import Excel Into Sql Server
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