Question : include files not found
My host just moved my site to a new server and the paths to include files are no longer valid.
They look like this: <!-- #include file ="../Includes_ASP/Mystats.
asp" -->
This gives this error:
Disallowed Parent Path
.asp, line 1
The Include file '../Includes_ASP/Mystats.a
sp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
I take the dots off and then get this error:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0130'
Invalid File attribute
.asp, line 1
File attribute '/Includes_ASP/Mystats.asp
"' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.
I remove the forward slash and then get this error:
Include file not found
.asp, line 1
The include file 'Includes_ASP/Mystats.asp"
' was not found.
What could be causing this problem ?
Answer : include files not found
okey, I found only editor jdeveloper able to do this for us
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