Question : Steps in placing a logo image of a template module in a Joomla site with FireFox Firebug or Google Chrome
I have a website my own.
I am trying to place a 2400 x 1200 (W x H) size image into site under the menus Product | Christian Steven Software at the top of the page see image. The current logo which is tiny needs to be replaced. The template we used which came from Rocket Theme's template site is Solar Sentinel. The current tiny logo is in a custom module. Mod_custom positioned under the Feature section.
This is what I know I need to do but do not know how to do it::
Position & Sizing
Figure out the total size of the feature's space available so I can either
fill the entire feature position up or
use something like RokStories and figure out the default size for an image there so I can size the image to fit.
How & Where to access information with either Chrome or FireFox
What to use and what exactly do I need to do to get see exactly where I need to place the image and exactly what size the image should be. How do I find either areas default size of the position or image highlighted in red.
I am aware I need to re-size the image I have (I would assume since it is (2400x1200) to fit within the parameters of the screen. I have Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Gimp. I think I can do that part. Please see image and placement below. Any support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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How and where do I find the information and location in the code of what is the size of the default images . Again I cannot seem to find them with Chrome or FF
(269 KB)
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Where I need to place the image in one or two possible places
Answer : Steps in placing a logo image of a template module in a Joomla site with FireFox Firebug or Google Chrome
Ok for a start the best tool that I use is Firebug to work out sizes and positions of modules/images/divs etc
This is a tutorial from rockettheme on how to use it.
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