Question : converting sql to linq not working
public static DataSet GetItemLists(int group_code)
//converting following sql command to linq
// string sql = "SELECT Distinct parent_sku, group_code, parent_sku, description "
// + "FROM item_view "
// + "WHERE group_code=@group_code ";
using (WellsMusDataContext dc = new WellsMusDataContext())
List<item_view> query1 = (from item in dc.item_views
where item.group_code == group_code
select item).Distinct().ToList<it
//this is my custom class that converts list to dataset
c = new CollectionToDataSet<List<i
return c.CreateDataSet();
but it gives repeating data which is not distinct Can any body help me on this?
thank you
Answer : converting sql to linq not working
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