Question : XMLDOMN
I have an XML file, i can iterate thru the <field> attribute at the <row> level but i need to get to the "primary-key" attribute fo the <ROW> object.
How can i do this?
XML like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <query-response>
- <data-table filter="CONTAINER_BY_GATE_
VISIT" count="3">
- <columns>
<column>Trucking Co Id</column>
<column>Truck Visit Driver Card</column>
<column>Ctr Number</column>
<column>Transaction Type</column>
<column>ISO Type</column>
<column>Chs Number</column>
<column>Next Stage ID</column>
<column>Stage ID</column>
- <rows>
- <row primary-key="7860734">
<field>Receive Empty</field>
<field />
- <row primary-key="7860752">
<field>Deliver Import</field>
<field />
- <row primary-key="7860406">
<field>Receive Empty</field>
i have this code to parse it:
SET objXML2 = Server.CreateObject("Micro
objXML2.async = False
strXMLRctr = 0
strXMLFctr = 0
Set objRoot = objXML2.documentElement
Set objRows = objRoot.getElementsByTagNa
For Each objRow in objRows
strXMLRctr = strXMLRctr + 1
Set objFlds = objRow.getElementsByTagNam
response.write "----" & objRow.text & "<br>"
For Each objFld in objFlds
strXMLFctr = strXMLFctr + 1
Answer : XMLDOMN
Check this:
response.write "key: " & objRow.getAttribute("prima
ry-key") & " ---- " & objRow.text & "<br>"
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