Question : Juniper Netscreen Remote VPN gettting errors 10049 when attempting to connect
I am using Juniper Netscreen Remote VPN Client v 10.8.10 (Build 4) on a Win XP SP3 Computer as a remote. When attmepting to connect I get errors: "Error sending t driver registration 10049" and "Error sending to interface address: 10049" This is true for this machine only; all othter remote computers can connect just fine.
The techs at Juniper say it is not an issue they can address but rather it is an issue with Windows. Any suggestions?
Answer : Juniper Netscreen Remote VPN gettting errors 10049 when attempting to connect
I have determined that the issue is with Trend Micro Personal Firewall. First I disabled it which allowed the connection to go through. Then I fiddled with the Allow list of programs to allow Net Screen access. All is well now.
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