Question : Can't install Sharepoint svcs on Server 2008 because can't install DotNet3 because "You must use the role management tool to .net framework". ... WHAT?!?
Let me by perfectly clear:
MY GOAL IS TO INSTALL SHAREPOINT SERVICES. However it won't let me install it coz I don't have Dot Net Framework 3.0 installed. I have Dot Net Framework installer, which I try to install, but when I do, I get "you must install Dot Net Framework 3" (ok not word for word, see the included pic).
I don't see anywhere in Server Manager's ROLES section that lets me install Dot Net Framework 3.0 (or any version for that matter), nor do I see anywhere in Server Manager that lets you install things that aren't listed. So how the heck do I install Sharepoint? Did they write the book while actually doing this?
Any and all help is appreciated.
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Answer : Can't install Sharepoint svcs on Server 2008 because can't install DotNet3 because "You must use the role management tool to .net framework". ... WHAT?!?
For domain try your NetBIOS Domain Name not the Internal DNS name (IE: DOMAIN\user)
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