Create a copy of your Access 2007 Database file. Open the new copy and go to TOOLS TAB, Select "MAKE ADE". Name the New file what ever you like. Copy the new file to a shared location where your user(s) can reach it. They can use this format to reach your database without being able to change forms, reports or design any aspect of the database.
I'm warning you from experience here, "DO NOT LOOSE YOUR ORIGINAL MDB or ADP FILE." I contracted for a company that lost the original MDB file. You can not go backwards from the ADE to MDB or ADP.
I usually use new copy I created the ADE from as the latest Version backup and store it off site.
If your user is used to going to a company share to get to the MDB/ADP file you will want to move that file so it doesn't get changed without your permission.
Hope this helps.