Question : Reetrieving SQL data from a store procedure in ASP
I am working on a ASP application and finding very difficult to retrieve SQL data from a recordset =(. I was wondering if you could help me with this.
I have a connection declared in global.asa(ADOConnection) which I use for the rest of my queries and works great. My code is as follows:
I receive a string with the store procedures to execute such as this:
Query = "EXEC spDataTranslateBegin INSERT INTO ##tempdata SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DataInf] WHERE ([DateTime] >= '19/07/2010 15:04:41') ORDER BY [ID] DESC EXEC spDataTranslateEnd"
Here the function that execute the query:
** function **************************
Sub Export(Query)
dim Rs
set Rs = server.createobject("ADODB
Set Rs = ADOConnection.Execute(Quer
if not Rs.eof then
while not Rs.eof
----------------do something with the fields ---------------
end if
set Rs=nothing
End Sub
********* end function **************************
When I want to read the recordset I get the following error:
Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
However I know the connection and recordset are fine because if I run the same code but with a simple query such as;
Query = "Select * from DataInf" and it works fine.
It is just when I try to add an store procedure that the object becomes closed even if it is just one simple store procedure =(
I have tried with the command method, execute method and different properties such as adCmdStoredProc and even creating another connection and nothing seems to work =(.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you very much for reading my email.
Answer : Reetrieving SQL data from a store procedure in ASP
Hi Donnie - That will probably work as long as you have the additional 4 pin power plug if it is required. In any case it won't hurt to try.
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