Question : MYSQL - Specified Key was too long! Help!
Hi, i am trying to create a table in phpMyAdmin, and am at a loss at the error i am receiving which is as follows:
CREATE TABLE `alexremo_addo`.`products`
(`id` INT(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `category_id` INT(5) NOT NULL, `product_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `product_sku` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `product_quality` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `product_weight` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `product_enabled` ENUM('Y', 'N') NOT NULL, `product_stocked` INT(5) NOT NULL, `product_addhome` ENUM('N', 'Y') NOT NULL, `tax_class` ENUM('None', 'Tradable Goods', 'Shipping') NOT NULL, `price` INT(7) NOT NULL, `cost` INT(7) NOT NULL, `rrp_show` ENUM('N', 'Y') NOT NULL, `rrp` INT(7) NOT NULL, `sprice_show` ENUM('N', 'Y') NOT NULL, `sprice` INT(7) NOT NULL, `short_description` TEXT NOT NULL, `long_description` TEXT NOT NULL, `keywords` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image1_label` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image1_link` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image2_label` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image2_link` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image3_label` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image3_link` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `image4_label` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,[...]
MySQL said:
#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
I have read around but have had no luck so far. I will attach a pdf showing the table i am trying to create, and please can anybody shed some light on whats happening?!
Thanks Alex
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Answer : MYSQL - Specified Key was too long! Help!
No, it's the size of the fields you're trying to make unique. 6 fields times 255 = 1530 characters. If it's UTF-8, the fields could be up to 3 times larger because 1 UTF-8 character can be 3 bytes long. Maybe you could re-examine your data and see if the field sizes can be reduced or if maybe not all of them need to be unique.
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