Question : SBS 2008 host is not accessible. You might not have permission
I am trying to set up a new SBS 2008 server hostname MAIL). Along with this, I am setting up a Server 2008 (hostname SERVER) which is going to be our SQL Server host. From the SERVER host, I want to map one of the drives on MAIL.
On Server, logged in as the Administrator, when I go to Computer > tools > Map Network Drive > Browse, then click on the MAIL host, I get the error "\\MAIL is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. ... account currently disabled"
How do I fix this? Note the the system administrator accounts on SERVER and MAIL have different user names and I do not see the SERVER admin name in the list of users on MAIL; if any of that makes a difference.
Answer : SBS 2008 host is not accessible. You might not have permission
yeah more than likely your group policy is fine.
go to control panel - sync center.
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