Question : create AD accounts with webpage

   im hoping to get some help to point me in the right direction.  i have created a vbscript that can create users in ad.  but what i need to do it create a webpage that can be used to create user accounts.  i would only need the user to enter a first and last name, and im hoping i can use the vbscript to create the account with the provided inputs.  and at this point i am alittle lost.  can anyone point me in the right direction?


Answer : create AD accounts with webpage

Here is an ASP page I made to do this. Modify as you see fit.




Sub cmdCreate_OnClick

'Declare and assign variable values
Dim Uname, Pswrd, Fname, Sname, Cell, Tel, JTitle, Dept, Comp, Office, Empno, Empnu,Ou, List, Checkit, AccCon, Combined      

Empnu = UCase(frmUserc.txtEmpno.value)
frmUserc.txtEmpno.value = Empnu
Uname = frmUserc.txtEmpno.value
Pswrd = frmUserc.txtEmpno.value
Fname = frmUserc.txtFname.Value      
Sname = frmUserc.txtSname.Value
Cell = frmUserc.txtCell.value
Tel = frmUserc.txtTel.value
JTitle = frmUserc.txttitle.value
Dept = frmUserc.txtDept.value
Comp = frmUserc.txtComp.value
Office = frmUserc.cboUnit.value
Empno = (frmUserc.txtEmpno.Value)
AccCon = 544

'512 - Enable Account
'514 - Disable account
'544 - Account Enabled - Require user to change password at first logon
'66048 - Password never expires
'262656 - Smart Card Logon Required

'Format checking
Checkit = frmUserc.txtFname.Value
If Len(Checkit) = 0 Then
Checkit = MsgBox("You must enter employee's name.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtSname.Value
If Len(Checkit) = 0 Then
Checkit = MsgBox("You must enter employee's surname.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtEmpno.Value
If Len(Checkit) <> 8 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("You must enter an employee number.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtEmpno.Value
If Isnumeric(Right(Checkit,7)) = False Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Employee number must contain 7 numeric values.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtTel.Value
If Isnumeric (Checkit) = False OR Len(Checkit) <> 10 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Telphone number must be numeric and contain 10 digits.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtCell.Value
If Isnumeric (Checkit) = False OR Len(Checkit) <> 10 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Cell number must be numeric and contain 10 digits.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtComp.Value
If Len(Checkit) = 0 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Please enter a company name.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtDept.Value
If Len(Checkit) = 0 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Please enter a department name.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.txtTitle.Value
If Len(Checkit) = 0 Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Please enter a job title.", vbCritical, "Account Creation Error")
Exit Sub
End If

Checkit = frmUserc.cboUnit.Value
If Checkit = "" OR Checkit = "nill" Then
Checkit = MsgBox ("Please select a valid office.", vbCritical, "Region Check")
Exit Sub
End If

'ou name
Ou = frmUserc.cboUnit.value

'OU troubleshooting line : msgbox("LDAP://"& Ou &",dc=YOURDOMAIN,dc=COM")

'Office name
List = frmUserc.cboUnit.selectedIndex
Office = frmUserc.cboUnit.options(List).text

'Join first name and surname
Combined = (""& Fname &" "& Sname &"")

'Write to the AD
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://"& Ou &",dc=YOURDOMAIN,dc=COM")
Set objUser = objOU.Create("User", "cn= "& Combined &"")

'If all is unique write data
objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", ""& Uname &""
objUser.Put "givenname", ""& Fname &""
objUser.Put "sn", ""& Sname &""
objUser.Put "displayname", ""& Fname &" "& Sname &""
objUser.Put "employeenumber", ""& Empno &""
objUser.Put "telephonenumber", ""& Tel &""
objUser.Put "physicalDeliveryOfficeName", ""& Office &""
objUser.Put "mobile", ""& Cell &""
objUser.Put "title", ""& JTitle &""
objUser.Put "department", ""& Dept &""
objUser.Put "company", ""& Comp &""
objUser.Put "userPrincipalName", ""& UName &""
objUser.Put "userpassword", ""& Empno &""
'objUser.Put "userAccountControl", AccCon REMOVE

'On completion
Checkit = MsgBox("Account for "& Fname &" "& Sname &" successfully created. Username: "& Empno &" - Password: "& Empno &". User will be prompted to change password at first logon.", vbInformation,"Account Created")
'Clear on completion
frmUserc.txtEmpno.value = empty
frmUserc.txtEmpno.value = empty
frmUserc.txtFname.value = empty      
frmUserc.txtSname.value = empty
frmUserc.txtCell.value = empty
frmUserc.txtTel.value = empty
frmUserc.txttitle.value = empty
frmUserc.txtDept.value = empty
frmUserc.txtComp.value = empty
frmUserc.cboUnit.value = empty

If frmUserc.txtEmpno.value <> empty Then
Checkit = msgbox("Account already exists.", vbCritical, "Creation Error")
End if

End Sub



<TD  colSpan=2 BGCOLOR=#009999 HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=60>
<TD><IMG height=46 src=""
<TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=#009999 HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=56>
<TD BGCOLOR=#009999 HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=600>
<TD colspan=3><B><FONT color=#009999 FONT SIZE=5>New User</B>


<TD BGCOLOR=#009999 width=25>

<TD BGCOLOR=#009999 width=25>

<TD COLSPAN=3><FONT color=#009999><B>Please provide the requested information:</B>
<TD COLSPAN=5><I><FONT Size = 2 FONT color=#009999>All feilds are required.</I></P>

  <FORM NAME="frmUserc">

<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Name:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtFname" SIZE=15></TD>

<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Surname:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtSname" SIZE=15></TD>

<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Employee Number:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtEmpno" SIZE=15></TD>

<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Telphone Number:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtTel" SIZE=15></TD>
<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Cell Number:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtCell" SIZE=15></TD>

<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Company:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtComp" SIZE=15></TD>
<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Department:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtDept" SIZE=15></TD>
<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Job Title:</B></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="txtTitle" SIZE=15></TD>
<TD><B><FONT color=#009999>Region\Office:<TD><select NAME=cboUnit

<option value="">
<option value="nill">-- Select Office --
<option value="OU=ouname,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com">ou one user account will go in


<INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="cmdCreate" VALUE="Create">




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