Question : How can I generate attention required 'textbox' or 'datasheet' on access forms?
I am creating something like a dashboard on MS access. So, basically I want to have a "Textbox" or "Datasheet" which shows items that need attention.
Please see the attached file. Look under the Form10 "Contacts with managers"
Lets say it has been more than 90 days since the last entry on this table for a specific firm. Then I want Attention Required box to display an alert saying something like "Update the contacts , it has been more than 90 days"
How can I achieve this?
To get a better understanding of the database. Go to "Introform" -----> select one of the funds----> press go
this will take you to Form10.
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Answer : How can I generate attention required 'textbox' or 'datasheet' on access forms?
If there is no contact date within 90 days, the alert is raised. Is that correct?
(54 KB)
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