Question : Access 2007, adding date fields in a form
I have a form with a start date field, an end date field and a term field which I would like to calculate thus:
Ex: 08/30/2010+60 months=08/30/2015
I've tried it as an event expression and I've tried it as a code, neither worked.
On Update Expression: [360StartDateTB] + [360TermTB]
On Update Code: Me.Ctl360StartDateTB + Me.Ctl360TermTB (+ sign disappears when I go to next line, not sure if that has to do with the fields having Ctl in them)
10") (really need it to draw from the 360StartDateTB date)
I would like to make it calculate automatically in the 360EndDateTB field
Answer : Access 2007, adding date fields in a form
Put this in the Data Source of your 360EndDateTB field
= DateAdd("m",360TermTB,360S
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