Question : SMTP Sending on behalf of
I am trying to condense our general emails for our bsuiness sales@, orders@ despatch@ accounts@.
I have deleted a user/mailbox called orders and this had an email of
[email protected]
In AD I then added the email addresses, of "orders@" to the email addess list within a user account called Sales. The sales account has variosu smtp addresses, to which I have added orders to the list.
I have checked, exchange adv, mailbox rights and ticked all permissions expect external account. I have also gone into delivery options on the Exchange general tab, and added my AD account as permission to "send on behalf" of....
I now want to be able not to just receive emails into the inbox of sales for the orders address but be able to send from this aswell. At the moment I get an error saying
You do not have permission to send to this recipient.
Any ideas....will creating distribution groups help me resolve the error?
Answer : SMTP Sending on behalf of
got a new patch from ibm.
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