the question contains a multitude of subquestions ...
1. A2
--> is the mssql software installed locally ?
--> on a server ?
1. A3
--> copy ? why not use a script to create the database ?
--> footprint of sql script is a lot smaller than a database copy
--> look here: A4
--> udl file, basically a connection string
--> if the software is in installed for that provider
1. B2
--> find a list of available mssql databases:
--> Question:
Basically I need to find a way to present a list of available databases (that were created by my application).
create a specific table in a specific schema
and then look for that table/schema
as an extra you could add a row in that table/schema with your specific company information
create table CompanyInfo (
CompanyName varchar(100),
Version varchar(20))
insert into CompanyInfo (CompanyName, Version) values ('YourCompany', '1')