From virtually any version of Windows after say Windows 2000, you should be able to run a VBS via Windows Script Host.
You may need to install Windows Scripting Components: (Windows up to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003)
or PowerShell (Windows XP or later, Windows Server 2008) discusses how to run a script, but if you have one of the above installed then running a vbs script simply means calling it like any program, which means from a scheduled task, batch file, or simply double clicking the vbs file.
Of specific concern in this case is having CDO.SYS installed which you need to send e-mail.
How to get:, while your simple script may suffice, it may need to be more complicated, at least slightly. But before that bridge is crossed you want to make sure you have scripting and Collaboration Data Objects installed correctly.
Both of which could be simple or complex depending on your environment and both could very well spawn questions of their own.
The reason your script may need to be more complex is that you are likely going to need to send the e-mail through one of your Exchange accounts and that will involve specifying the correct host or server and probably authentication.
So your little script will grow to something like the attached, which performs basic SMTP authentication against a remote server. I packaged the dirty little details into a subroutine and added the CDO Type Library at the top so I can use CDO constants in the script. (Otherwise it grows quite a bit larger.)
The last line sendmail calls the subroutine and passes the from address, to address(es), subject and mail body.
Bigger or not it is still just a vbs script.
A test vbs script to see if WSH is installed could be a one liner,
msgbox("Hello World")