Question : How can I count physical emails sent from all mailboxes?

I need to know how many "physical" emails my users sent during a specific date. I used the program below to export the RECEIVE events on my hub, but I can't figure out how to count them per mailbox.

foreach ($x in get-mailbox -server MYMAILBOXSERVER -resultsize unlimited | %{$_.primarysmtpaddress }){
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Sender $x -Server MYHUBTRANSPORT -EventID RECEIVE -Start "7/1/2010 12:00am" -End "7/31/2010 11:59pm" |ft Sender,TimeStamp,TotalBytes,RecipientCount -autosize

thank you

Answer : How can I count physical emails sent from all mailboxes?

The code disappeared.
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start 2010.08.19 -end 2010.08.23 -EventId receive -ResultSize unlimited | 
	?{$_.source -eq "storedriver"} | Group-Object sender -NoElement | 
		Format-Table @{n="message count"; e={$_.count};a="left"; w=20}, @{n="from address"; e={$}; w=70}
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