Question : morefunc 5.05 functions sometimes stay as text rather than producing a result
For some reason some of the MoreFunc 5.05 functions have started to remain as entered text rather than a calculated result. For instance, inserting the formula "=textreverse" (without the quotes) and then selecting the proper cell (i.e. H16 containing "abc") for it to reverse, it does show the result in the dialog box correctly as "cba" but when the wizard completes, the cell displays the formula "=textreverse(H16)" as text not as the result it displayed in the dialog box. Any idea as to why this might be happening? I made sure the option to display formulas rather than results was not selected. I also found that while in editing mode in the cell that contained the formula "=textreverse(H16)", if I press F9, the formula does indeed calculate the cell to the correct "cba" but of course any subsequent change to cell H16 will not be reversed since the formula is now just the former result of the formula.
Answer : morefunc 5.05 functions sometimes stay as text rather than producing a result
The cell is pre-formatted as text and evaluates your formula as a text string. Change the cell to 'General' and re-enter your formula.
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