Question : Transpose rows to cols using Crystal Report..
Hi All,
I have table data in the following format:
Tno Name Value
Beg MVD 1
Beg Results EU/µg 2
Beg Test Dilution 3
Beg Mean Onset Time 4
Beg CV% 5
Beg % Spike Recovery 6
Mid MVD 1
Mid Results EU/µg 2
Mid Test Dilution 3
Mid Mean Onset Time 4
Mid CV% 5
Mid % Spike Recovery 6
End MVD 1
End Results EU/µg 2
End Test Dilution 3
End Mean Onset Time 4
End CV% 5
End % Spike Recovery 6
I would like to be able to display it in the following fashion,
MVD Results EU/µg Test Dilution Mean Onset Time CV% % Spike Recovery
Beg 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mid 1 2 3 4 5 6
End 1 2 3 4 5 6
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Answer : Transpose rows to cols using Crystal Report..
This looks like a standard crosstab report. Use the wizard to create the report.
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