Question : Why does opening a file in Excel affect the same file in
Hello Everyone
I open 3 RANDOM files in VB.Net.
From VB.Net I open an Excel Application.
The Excel Application opens the SAME files.
The Excel Application reads a couple of things from these files and then QUITS - closing the files
But when the process returns to VB.NET, JUST ONE of the files gives me an error indicating that one of the variables is of the wrong data type.
How can this be?
It wasn't of the wrong data type before passing through Excel. It was absolutely fine!
And yet, Excel did not write anything to this file. It just read a few variables.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Answer : Why does opening a file in Excel affect the same file in
Can you post your code?
If you are using something like this:
fHnd = Freefile
Open <first file> For Random As fHnd ...
Open <next file> For Random As fHnd ...
without calling FreeFile a second time, you will be using the same file handle.
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