Question : SQL Reporting add days to date parameter
We have a report that calculates the percentage of an Engineers hours that were billable. This is calculated by taking their standard hours they are required to work divided by their billable hours.
This report can be run with date parameters for various amounts of weeks. There is a formula built in to calculate the standard hours based on how many weeks are selected, it looks like this (standard hours vary based on job title):
THEN DATEDIFF(wk,@begindate,@en
ddate) * StdHours
My problem is the end date is taking 12:00am for that date and it's not including all the data. Is there a way that I could add on 1 day to the end date and still use the DATEDIFF formula?
Answer : SQL Reporting add days to date parameter
THEN DATEDIFF(wk,@begindate,DAT
EADD(d,1, @enddate)) * StdHours
you had an extra parenthesis
is this in the query or in the report you are trying this?
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