Question : Poweshell script to create Contacts and forward user accounts to those contacts
Heres the scenario....
I have a single OU that contains lots of user accounts, some live and some awaiting users to move from another org.
All of the users who are in post and active are in a security group called 'Live Users' all those who have not are not!
What i would like to do is to create a contact for all the users who are NOT in the 'Live Users' group AND forward their exchange mail account to that new contact.
we have a user called
[email protected]
I would like a new contact created for him with an email address of fred.bloggs@theotherdomain
.com AND alter his AD account to forward to that contact.
Is this possible with a single powershell script?
Your input would be appreciated as its a long job otherwise.
Exchange is 2010 running on windows server 2008R2
Answer : Poweshell script to create Contacts and forward user accounts to those contacts
yes, you may want to add the -DomainController switch to the new-mailcontact and the set-mailbox with the same domain controller
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