Question : Citrix Secure Gateway 3.0.1 SSL Certificate
I got a CItrix Secure Gateway dumped in my lap and the SSL Certificate is about to expire. The existing SSL Certificate is by Thawrte. I would like to switch to GoDaddy so I guess the first question is ... do I have to "renew" the existing certificate or can I just bag the existing certificate and start from scratch with GoDaddy?
I am a little confused as how to request and install the certificate. IIS is running on the box but the SSL port is set to 444 and the Default Web Site does not use SSL nor is there a SSL Certificate installed on it. It looks like the Certificate is installed somehow withing CSG. It also looks like, however, the Cert Request was done via IIS and never really followed through on. IIS is still waiting with a pending cert request.
So can I:
1) Delete the penting request from IIS
2) Generate a new Cert request and ship it off to GoDaddy
3) Install the returned Cert in CSG
I have not idea how to install the cert in CSG...
Answer : Citrix Secure Gateway 3.0.1 SSL Certificate
I have several articles about using CSG and GoDaddy certs. This is the latest:
The article is very detailed and very step-by-step.
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