Question : PC won't boot with USB drive attached
I have a system that boots fine. But when I connect a USB external hard drive to it before I start it up, it freezes on the boot screen. If I plug it in after bootup it everything works fine.
I have disabled the USB boot, Legacy USB, & put the internal hard drive as first boot device, all in the BIOS. Nothing helps. The only other devices connected to the USB ports are a printer & a cable to update a Garmin. I have disconnected those also.
To get it to boot up I have to either unplug the USB cable or the power plug from the ext. hard drive. Then it will bootup & I can plug the cable back in to use the ext. hard drive.
I have search the messages on this on EE & Google. There are plenty of others that have had or are having the same problem, but no one has offered a solution that works that I can find.
Does anyone else have any ideas.
Answer : PC won't boot with USB drive attached
Try doing a BIOS firmware update maybe.
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