What is the version of WG software you are running.
If running version 7,x then you would also need to add dynamic NAT exception [not needed in version 8.x or higher]
Step 11 in article below [please check all the steps]:
http://watchguard.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2008/kw/1-1%20NAT%20setup/session/L3NpZC9pZTNQZ1M3aw%3D%3DTo verify if you go to website,
http:www.whatismyip.com; you see the external IP of WG and not the IP.
Another thing I can think of is that the IP is also added under external alias; remove this IP from external alias as this IP is used with 1-1 NAT.
Steps to configure external alias:
http://watchguard.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1704/session/L3NpZC9pZTNQZ1M3aw%3D%3DPlease check and update.
Thank you.