Question : Closed up port 25 on network. - now user cannot send email from bt account
I had a network where they got blacklisted as a spam sender.I discovered the network was not closed up on Port 25 for sendig email so any of the PC's on the network could have bee infected sendig emails.
Therefore closed it down.
However, now have one user who only visits occasionally who says he cannot send email from hit bt email account.
I assume this is because I have closed port 25.
There is no way I want to reopen it as it caused a real headache.
What can I do so he can send email.
I'm trying to look up another port number for BT to see if that would work.
Answer : Closed up port 25 on network. - now user cannot send email from bt account
Contact BT, but yes, alternate ports are usually 587.
The only other option is to give him a static/reserved IP and allow port 25 from his machine as well as the mail server on the firewall.
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