Question : SQL Convert Error
I am using Visual Studio 2008
I am having problems with the SQL query for my datasource.
This the query in question:
SELECT inc.Title AS Incident, inc.Description, inc.CustomerID, tech.Name AS TechName, prod.Name AS Product, cust.Name AS Customer, CONVERT([varchar](11), inc.DateOpened, 101) AS DateOpened, CONVERT([varchar](11), inc.DateClosed, 101) AS DateClosed
FROM (((Incidents inc INNER JOIN
Technicians tech ON inc.TechID = tech.TechID) INNER JOIN
Products prod ON inc.ProductCode = prod.ProductCode) INNER JOIN
Customers cust ON inc.CustomerID = cust.CustomerID)
Error I receive:
Error Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Error Message: Undefined function 'CONVERT' in expression
I am using the same database that I use in SMSS and the query works fine.
Answer : SQL Convert Error
Typically no problem, most installers you will have to choose a custom or advanced install to change to a non default destination
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