Question : Changing instance of SQL installation - need to reconnect BackupExec 12d


We had installed fresh SQL Server 2005 standard on our Windows 2003 server. However, we had mistakenly installed it directly with a named instance called ATUFP01\ATUFP01. We then installed BackupExec 12d and setup the BEDB database on this instance of SQL. Backupexec was running fine.

After a couple of weeks, we have invested in a new database/application software that is going to use this SQL server. However, the vendor complained that the application will not work unless the instance of SQL is set to Default.

So, we took a backup of BEDB database, reinstalled SQL as a default instance, which is now simply called "ATUFP01". We have restored the BEDB to this new SQL installation/instance.

As expected, Symantec Backup is not wokring anymore and the services are not running. When trying to start up BackupExec, it asks to locate the media server. I specifiy ATUFP01, but no joy. After some googling, i found that I need to use the BackExec Utility to reattach the BackupExec installation to the database.

I opened this utility, and clicked on "All Media Servers" and found my server ATUFP01. I right clicked on it, and selected New BackupExec Database Location. I then see the correct data:
Current Media Server: ATUFP01
Current SQL Server Instance: ATUFP01\ATUFP01
Destination SQL Server Instance: I select ATUFP01 from the drop down list.

However, when it's trying to connect to make the move, it gives me a message saying "Database BEDB already exists on server ATUFP01, and is used by another media server. Operation to change location of Backup Exec database to SQL Server instance ATUFP01 ended with errors."

So  I'm not really sure how to proceed from here. I'm sure i'm not doing this migration correctly. I would like to resolve the issue without reinstalling backupexec if possible, as we have a lot of jobs created and would hate to have to redo them. Plus, reinstallation would require a server restart, and it is not so easy to schedule down time for this particular server. Appreciate anyone's help.


Answer : Changing instance of SQL installation - need to reconnect BackupExec 12d

Below is the link on how to correctly move the database. Also, have you checked the services for the SQL instances to verify the names? Also, have you verifed using SQL Management that the database is successfully mounted and running? Is is possible there is a MSDE version the BE installs by default that is running on the server?

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