Question : event errors reporting service and software protection server
I have a client with Windows 7 on a domain. He says that many times the computer is very slow. I looked in the log files. In the System log every second I get two alternating messages
Event 7036 Source - service control manager
The Windows Error Reporting Service service entered the running state.
Event 7036 Source - service control manager
The Windows Error Reporting Service service entered the stopped state.
About every 5th or 6th event is
Event 7036 Source - service control manager
The Software Protection service entered the stopped state.
This is followed by
The Software Protection service entered the start state.
In the applicaiton log I have
Event id 1003 source security-SPP
The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check.
Any idea what program is causing this?
Answer : event errors reporting service and software protection server
In case anyone else has this problem, I clieared it by uninstalling Dell security software
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