Question : Deselect radio button in a ColdFusion flash form?
I have a form with a checkbox that if clicked disables the form fields. If a user happens to check this box AFTER having filled out any of the fields I want the fields to be reset/blanked. This was easy enough for checkboxes:
mycheckbox.selected = false;
and for text inputs:
mytextfield.text = "";
But I can't get this to work for radio buttons. I've tried all of the following to no avail:
myradiobutton.selected = false;
myradiobutton[0].selected = false;
myradiobutton[1].selected = false;
myradiobutton.checked = false;
Is this possible?
Answer : Deselect radio button in a ColdFusion flash form?
>> I've tried all of the following to no avail
Those reference the wrong object. Use:
lected = false;
<cfinput type="radio" name="myradiobutton" checked="true" value="yes"> Yes
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