Question : User can't receive emails sent to her personal email, but emails to group get through...
Right...this morning I added a new user to the domain, set up her Outlook etc...
She is part of a group, any emails which get sent to the group she receives...
However, I can send emails from her computer to mine...then when I try and reply the same message come's up (shown below)
'An error occurred while trying to deliver this message to the recipient's e-mail address. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message, or provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator.
The following organization rejected your message:'
I don't understand how she can email me...but when I reply it doesn't work, and also emails sent to her group she receives...
Please advise!
Many thanks.
Answer : User can't receive emails sent to her personal email, but emails to group get through...
You are doing it correctly. VMs have nothing to do with HA...just the hosts, & vCenter to an extent.
Posted via EE Mobile
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