Question : Using LocalAgents config in Websphere IBM support Assistant
I have number of websphere ND 6.x systems mix of everything from development, Testing, User Acceptance Testing , Stress testing to Live.
Due to limited budget , we don't have any 3rd part toool like WILY introscope to monitor them actively. Actually it's not needed if you look at business model.
The only issue though, often I am presented with number of JVM freeze, FFDC dump issues. Going thru each machine and it's systemout , stderror log is a real pain. Ask any websphere administrator. Often in a day we get crash on 3-4 systems which really pushes the limits.
What I am looking for is using IBM Support Asst Workbench to upload files to central system and analyze them there. I can see LocalAgent configuration as in attached snap below and wish to know how can I do this?
My systems are on Unix and IBM support asst is running on my desktop.
Thanks in advance.
(80 KB)
(File Type Details)
ibm support asst agent config snap
Answer : Using LocalAgents config in Websphere IBM support Assistant
The information that I have recommends against using local agents, and points to using ISA Lite, instead.
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