Question : Lotus Notes 6.5. Rule that send's calendar invites to a dedicated folder if accapted or declined.
Dear EE,
I'm guessing it's not possible but i could be mistaken. I cannot seem to find any information about it. But story is like this. User wants calendar invites that are approved or declined to be transfered to a folder in her notes client. Now, is this even possible? I checked where to setup a rule for this but i cannot seem to find this information. And yes i know, 6.5 is old sw...
Might have found it more easy when it was for 8.5 or 9.
Thanks in advance.
Answer : Lotus Notes 6.5. Rule that send's calendar invites to a dedicated folder if accapted or declined.
RewriteRule ^(RealNews/([0-9]+).*)$
If both sites (www and archives) are on the same vhost, add this rule before the rewriterule:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^
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