Question : populate a div dynamically for jquery processing
I'm trying to implement a gallery slideshow (galleriffic) and I'm running into issues making the image list dynamic. This is a really small application written in javascript and minimal php....not a java server side framework app.
The opensource jquery javascript that builds the image gallery (see jquery.galleriffic.js) is pulling in all <li> elements from the <div id="thumbs"> element in order to lead the images. The problem is I don't want to hard code all my images in an html file. I have a ajax based javascript function and some php (runs on window.onload) that goes and fetches all my images from the server and sets the <div id="thumbs"> innerHtml property, but that will only work if there are <li> elements in the <div id="thumbs"> container. If there are two hardcoded <li>'s then only two of my dynamic images show up.
The goal is to somehow either change the jquery code (addImage: function(listItem, thumbExists, insert, position) in the jquery.galleriffic.js or populate the <div id="thumbs"> differently. Any ideas are welcome. I've attached all the code....
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gallery specific jquery js source code
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jquery 1.3.2
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html file that displays the image gallery and dynamically fetches the images
Answer : populate a div dynamically for jquery processing
I would say that the problem with your current code, if you don't want to change the PHP as blueghozt suggested, is that you are assigning
var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic(.
once the page has loaded, not once the <li>s are returned by your ajax call.
Instead of putting this code in $(document).ready, try putting it at the end of your getImages() function.
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