Question : Why does a differant computer name come up when I ping an IP address?


I have a server that host some important applications and yesterday a user was unable to access some files. As I troubleshooted the issue I first pinged my server. The ping was successful and reply back. I ran a tracert and the last hop into server came back with a differant server computer name (Backup.local). When I do a NSlookup for that computer name it comes back with a differant IP from when I initialy pinged. When I remote into that IP and check computer name it is a differant computer name from backup.local. The computer name supposed to be EMR1. Now all my other server come back with correct computer name when I ping and tracert. And reason why this is happening?



Answer : Why does a differant computer name come up when I ping an IP address?

when you use traceroute, the ip address are resolved to names via the reverse DNS zone.  Open your DNS and check the reverse DNS zone. Look for the IP address of your server, you'll probably find it's pointing at the backup.local rather than backup.local.  

If you allow dynamic registration in your reverse zone, you can delete the entry and then do an ipconfig /registerdns on your server to correct the entry.

if you don't allow dynamic updates, just delete the existing record and create a new PTR record for the IP with the correct server name.
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