Question : referencing 2 excel workbooks
I have 2 workbooks in excel, there is one sheet in each both containing info about transactions.
basically I want to find out if the transaction in one, exists in the other.
So I have:
Woorkbook1, Sheet 1,
Date, Reference, amount
1/1/10, 123456, £100
Workbook2, Sheet 1
Reference, StoreCode, Salesman code,
123456, 123, 987
I would like an extra cell in workbook 2 just to say exists?
The purpose in this example is to make sure salesmen arent making up transactions (however this isnt the reason we are wanting the formula - it was the only example I could think of barring our own)
Answer : referencing 2 excel workbooks
Something like:
es not exist","Exists")
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