Question : URGENT - Problem with trusted domain after network IP Range changover
We have 2 networks in our school. A curriculum network and a Admin network. These have been seperated by IP range and have a domain trust between them. We have recently had to change the IP range of our whole school network and have run into a few problems, 1 of which is quite urgent. We have changed all the IP addressess of the Domain controllers and reset the trust. Now here is the weird thing, on the curriculum side we have six servers and on the admin side we have 1 DC. When the trust is implemented we can access 5 of the servers in the curriculum side from admin but not the main sharepoint one. All servers from the curriculum can access the admin DC. If I remove the trust I can access the Sharepoint server from admin but then users have to authenticate to network shared drives on the curriculum system. Obviously the urgent part is that users in the Admin network cannot access the intranet. Any help would be much appreciated.
Answer : URGENT - Problem with trusted domain after network IP Range changover
Code Behind
var rb = document.getElementById("r
<input id="rPublic" runat="server" type="radio" name="Public" value="Public" onclick="Target('Public');
" checked />Public
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